Script Before starting our storyboard, we came up with some initial ideas for our film on a piece of paper. We then developed that into a script, so we could visualize which shots would be filmed at each location, and sort out the narrative that would be featured in our film. Our storyboard ended up slightly different to our script as we changed our minds on some shots as we began to visualize each scene, however Clementine (my partner) and I found it very useful to have to the script to refer to throughout the different stages of production. First draft Second draft Pre-visualization Below is a picture of our preliminary storyboard, which we drew out when we first started to visualize the different shots. We drew each shot on a magnetic whiteboard sheet, so we could rearrange them as we figured out the sequence of the shots. This made it much easier to figure out the order of our film as we were able to add, and move around shots as we discussed our thoughts. St...