Thriller Sub-genres
To prepare ourselves for creating a film opening to a thriller, we did some
research into the different sub-genres. There are may sub-genres associated
with Thriller films, however these are some of the most well known:
- Psychological thriller
- Action thriller
- Crime thriller
- Spy thriller
- Political thriller
- Mystery thriller
- Horror thriller
- Supernatural thriller
I did some more in depth research of the sub-genres I found most
Clementine and I decided to base our film opening on a psychological
thriller. We found the use of shared suspense particularly interesting, and
thought that keeping the audience in the dark would make the film more
interesting. We included this in our film by purposely leaving our actors
faces out of each shot, so that their identities remained an enigma code.
Psychological thrillers can often include themes of mental illness, such as
"The Silence of the Lambs" (1991), and we thought the cheerful attitudes of
our characters could be interpreted as a potential mental illness -
considering it is also implicated they are murderers.
Common character types within a Psychological thriller includes:
- Criminals
- Stalkers
- Assassins
- Private investigators
- Psychotic individuals (mentally ill)
- Sociopaths
- Secret agents
- Terrorists
- Cops
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