
We wanted to incorporate the colour red into the costumes, to match the bloody imagery. We made the choice for the girl to have red fingernails, and we originally planned to have a bit of fake blood on her fingertips (however this wasn't picked up by the camera very well). We came up with three outfit options for the girl, however we ended up going for the long dress (the picture on the left). This was quite dressy, adding to the unnatural situation, and had rust coloured features without which also matched the theme of red. 

To match the dress, we wanted to have a necklace that would appear quite dramatic from the back, as we had planned an over the shoulder shot of the girl putting on her necklace to showcase her red nails and fingertips. Clementine (my partner) and I found necklaces that would look like a pearl necklace, as we were aiming for something elegant that would contrast the uncomfortable and messy close ups of preparing food. The red lipstick also added to the elegant, dressy look while contributing the red theme. We ended up choosing the necklace on the left, as the 'pearls' were more noticeable.


In order to reveal the body in the back of the car, we had the idea of revealing a bloody hand before showing the body concealed by a blanket. To do this we had to experiment with fake blood. Below are some photos from using the fake blood. On the left are photos taken a couple of days before filming, as I experimented with different amounts of fake blood spray. On the right are photos taken on the day.


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