Rough Cut

Our teacher decided it would be a good idea to show our progress so far to class, so we would be able to reflect on our feedback and make improvements to the film. At the stage where we downloaded the rough cuts, I had yet to add sounds, and the credits were used as placeholders rather than functioning credits. Clementine and I had decided to edit our footage separately, however we chose to present my version to the class as I had gotten slightly further along.


I mainly need to add more diegetic sounds and make adjustments to the credits. I had been considering using after effects to animate a few of the credits, and the class agreed with this idea as it would add some more points of interest. As you can hear, the music in the rough cut abruptly cuts out. Clementine and I had been experimenting with different sounds to see how they would sound with the footage, so we had been planning to allow the music to play until the end of the film. Despite the sudden stop to the song, we received positive feedback over the choice of song and our classmates seemed to like the contrast it presented against the body and red imagery.

Verbal Feedback


As planned, I need to add in diegetic sounds for the first half of the film and then lengthen the duration of the music playing in the car. From the feedback I know I need to start looking at appropriate fonts and perhaps try using After effects to make them more interesting. I also have to bear in mind the size of the font as I was told they shouldn't take up too much space on the screen, as they will start to take over the footage. They should be a small feature (with practical uses), rather than the focus of the film opening. Another suggestion was to go back and make some of the colour correcting more dramatic. When originally colour correcting I struggled to make the colours stand out while still making it seem realistic (and keeping skin tones natural etc), however I can adjust some of the shoots such as the blood in the sink, to make the red stand out more.


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